Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Grapefest 2009

We have this annual tradition with our friends the Pike's to do the wine tasting event at Grapefest (we've gone the last 4 years). It's so much fun!

This year we continued the tradition and had a few more people go with us. Tom's parents (Tim and Diana) and his sister & husband (Christine and Eddie) along with Michelle's brother (Mike) joined us. It was fun going with a bigger group (more babysitters).

After the wine tasting on Friday night, we walked around and had some of the "healthy" food offered (Sausage on a Stick & Funnel Cake) and let the boys go into the "Cougar" bar before heading back to the front to meet up with Tom's family.

I love Grapefest!!

The Mommy's & Their Babies
The Rennie's

Tom and Byron enjoying their sausage (maybe a little too much)

The Pike's (and Mike)

Grandpa Rennie must have been pooped!
Christine & Eddie trying to feed the baby some "fair" food

Grandma & Tommy right after a feeding

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