Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 31, 2011

Work Shower for Baby Grace

On Friday, my co-workers had a shower for me and another guy in our office (they are due a week or two before me).

It was more for Cary (my co-worker) and Roisin than me  (since it is their 1st and my 2nd). We had food catered in from Guero's, a local Mexican restaurant.

They got a lot of Target gift cards and a few smaller things and I was surprised and VERY EXCITED to get the double stroller we had on our registry and some gift cards (which Tom and I used up that night - haha).

I have the best co-workers!
We did get Grace's room about 90% complete, but I want to wait until it's done before posting pictures. I'm hoping to get it done by Valentine's weekend. :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Landon's Birthday Party

Today, before the games we took Tommy to My Gym for one of his classmates 2nd birthday party.

Tommy took a nap on the way over there and when we walked in, he was shy for probably the first 5 or 10 minutes before he became a wild man running all over the place. He had a lot of fun running around to all the different areas and stopping randomly to start dancing to the music. It was so fun (but tiring) to watch!

Notice me relaxing beside Tommy

Landon had an Elmo theme, which just so happens to be Tommy's favorite cartoon to watch so he was excited to play with the hat/noisemakers in front of him while we waiting for a piece of cake. Tommy ate almost all the cake, before jumping down to go run around some more.

Look how cute the cake is!
Thank goodness Tom went with me or I would have been worn out!

Vegas 2011

Last weekend, Tom and I headed out to Vegas to spend the long weekend with our friends, Michelle and Byron.

We got in Friday night (thanks for saving us the parking fees dad!) and checked into the Mirage. The hotel was really nice and our room was free (except for the last night).

After unpacking our things, we walked down the Strip and met Byron at Bill's. I think we ended up staying there for a couple hours before heading off to bed.

Saturday morning, Tom and I walked to Paris and had a nice breakfast at Mon Ami Gabi, a cute little bistro that we try to hit at least once every time we are in town. Michelle and Byron met us and we walked the Miracle Mile mall and then headed to M&M World (yea). We did a little gambling before heading back to our room at the Mirage so we could all watch the Steelers playoff game.

That night, we walked to Battista's Hole in the Wall for dinner (another tradition) and then spent the rest of the night gambling.

Sunday morning, we grabbed something quick for breakfast, walked the strip and then headed downtown for the rest of the night. Oh, and how can I forget, before heading downtown we stopped at MGM so everyone (except me) could do jello shots.

 Dinner at Flame in the El Cortez

Notice what is over to the left of them...

Sunday morning, we grabbed something quick for breakfast, walked the strip and then headed downtown for the rest of the night.

We got up bright and early Monday morning to head to the airport and got back to our house around 5:00 that afternoon.

We had a lot of fun in Vegas. Surprisingly I was the one handing out money to Tom since I was doing so well at the slots! I sure did miss my little guy though!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

1st Snow of 2011

Today, we had 6 inches of snow fall in McKinney. It was the big, chunky snow too!

Tommy and I waited until Tom finished painting Grace's room and bundled up to go outside and let Tommy play in the snow. Well, that lasted all of about 5 minutes. Tommy was scared of the snow and only took about 5 steps before he made us pick him up.

Tommy ready to go outside.

Tommy not having any of the snow..

Much better now that I'm in daddy's arms.

While painting, Tom took pictures of the snowfall.

Oh well, maybe he'll be better during the next snowfall.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Christmas 2010/New Year's 2011

Over New Year's weekend, Tom, Tommy and I headed to east Texas to celebrate Christmas with my family.

We all received a ton of things - and I'm sure that after the holidays Tommy won't need ANY new toys until his birthday. :)

The pictures aren't that great, because I had to take them with my phone since I left my camera at home!

Tommy is getting the hang of opening presents

Me with some of my loot
My mom watching the action
Tom helping Tommy open Chuck the Truck
My dad with his "popper" cooker

Kimberly & Kylee

Tom making sure Tommy's toys work

Tommy showing him how it's really done

 Tommy really wanted to lay with Kylee on her play mat