On January 7th, Christine & I took the girls to the pop-up American Girl Store. We wanted to take them before the store closed at the end of the month. Grace & Evelyn got their dolls ears pierced and they each got an outfit and some accessories.
The weekend of the 14th - Jocelyn (my BFF from TX) and her family came up for a visit. We fit in quite a bit during their stay.
We did the incline, took pictures at the top of Mt. Washington & ate at Primantis. The last day, Tom cooked and we just sat around the fire outside (while the kids played in the basement).
Look at that view
The kids got along great!
On January 20th, Tommy got to celebrate his summer birthday at school. He chose to take in Steeler's cookies and drinks. We also used a dress down ticket so he could wear his jersey.
The weekend of the 27th, we went to 7 Springs for some tubing and swimming. The kids absolutely loved snow tubing (so did the adults) and the swimming was just a little too chilly for us - so we only stayed close to an hour.