Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 7, 2015

Tommy is 6!

Tommy turned 6 on June 22nd. He was able to spend the evening doing something he loves - playing baseball!

Future baseball player

After t-ball was over, we all headed back to our house to make tacos (per Tommy's request). We had cake and opened presents right after, since it was getting pretty late.

My handsome little man

Getting ready to blow out the candles

Present Time 

We didn't have a birthday party with friends this year - instead we went to Washington DC. We also let Tommy invite one friend to a Pirates game on Sunday, June 28th. He picked his best friend, Gavin to go.

It was cute watching them in the car together - they were both a little shy at first and then wouldn't be quiet after the first 10 minutes.

Tommy and Gavin before the game

Grace had fun playing Peppa Pig with Gavin

The boys waiting in line to run the bases

Of course he received lots of baseball/sports stuff for his b-day

Happy Birthday bud - we love you so much!!!

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